
Challenges for creating mission-minded, neighbor-loving, others-centric little humans.


Find a need. Let your kids make a donation.

Make a donation of clothing, blankets, tarps, money, etc. to the homeless or needy people in your community. Confession.  Even though I work with people in Nashville who have been or are experiencing homelessness, I have never (and probably never will) fully understand how I can help them. This led me to read the book Praying […]


Become a Tree Hugger, or Planter. Your Call.

Find a community service project. Sign up. Do it. My kids still talk about that dark night in March of 2020, when the sirens screamed as they were shaken from their slumber and carried to the basement.  They remember the unusual urgency that night as we hudded together, waiting, praying for our neighbors and our home […]


Drop a Love Bomb.

Create handmade notes to send or deliver words of kindness, encouragement, hope and love. Edit How it looked for us When my kids were around 4 and 6 years old, I got the idea to have them make a handful of homemade Valentine’s cards for strangers. A little construction paper, some glitter and an “I […]