About Neighbor Lovers

‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ 

This was Jesus’ second greatest commandment right after “Love the Lord your God.” Jesus was a pretty happenin’ guy, so I think we can take his word for it that loving your neighbor is kind of a big deal. But how do we do that? And more importantly, how do we raise our children to love their neighbors?

Putting some skin in the game

As a mom, the last thing I want to do is raise my kids to say one thing and do another. From cleaning their rooms to standing up for what’s right, the only way to teach kids the important concept of earnestness is to, well, do.  That’s where Neighbor Lovers comes in. This is a movement created to move beyond “this is what we believe” to “this is what we do”. We don’t just say we love our neighbors, we become Neighbor Lovers through service projects, kindness bombs and community action.

Start Here

Each month, a challenge will be issued. This is simply an idea for how parents and kids can go out into their community or neighborhood and do something to show love to another person or group of people. This can be done with a group or as a family, or as individuals. Do it your way! As long as you’re helping and loving others, there is no wrong way to be a Neighbor Lover!

The Ultimate Goal

The ultimate goal is to light that “Yes! I can do something to help” fire inside every kid (and adult!) – to infuse the joy of serving and the deep satisfaction of tangibly loving others into us all until we’re all positively addicted to ‘loving your neighbor as yourself’.