Drop a Love Bomb.

Create handmade notes to send or deliver words of kindness, encouragement, hope and love.


How it looked for us

When my kids were around 4 and 6 years old, I got the idea to have them make a handful of homemade Valentine’s cards for strangers. A little construction paper, some glitter and an “I love you” in crooked kid handwriting later, the love bombs were ready. The plan was to take them to the grocery store and let the kids hand them out to complete strangers. I have to admit, this felt risky. “I love you” can be a deeply intimate thing to say, but I knew that, coming from a child, the sentiment typically will take on a beautiful, innocent and sincere meaning. So I pushed through and we took our little cards to the grocery store and began handing them out. Elderly shoppers, youths, tired moms and grocery workers – no one was safe. And let me tell you. I still remember the intense charge of love felt. People got tears in their eyes, one man reached in their pockets and gave my kids a $5 bill just because he felt so grateful to be on the receiving ends of his very simple love bomb that he just had to give something back. It was genuinely a beautiful experience not just for the recipients, but for us, the givers. 

It may look different for you

So I issue this same challenge to you. Work with your kids to create and drop your own love bomb notes sometime during the month of February, Valentine’s Day or not. The message can be whatever you feel comfortable with as long as it uplifts, encourages and makes someone feel special. Customize the message, artwork, etc. depending on your child’s age, abilities and passions.

It can be an anonymous note you leave on a neighbor’s doorstep, a note you *hand to a stranger in the park, a note sent via snail mail or a note sent to a person in a nursing home or hospital. As long as it’s a handwritten note of encouragement and love, your love bomb is sure to hit a target. 

* However you choose to complete this challenge, please wear masks around others, maintain social distancing and make sure that all minors are closely supervised around strangers.